Wednesday, November 26, 2014


"Do you know how many humans it would take to circle the globe in a giant train with everyone fucking everyone else?"

"Where did you hear this statistic?"

"Just guess."

"I give up."

"More than are currently in this room."


"But we can be the starting point and hope some others show up."

"That explains the giant black double dil you're currently..."

"Shut up, stupid. I never said anything about talking while we try to set a record."

"Oh fuck yeah!"

"You like that, don't you?"

"If you get it any deeper, you might go around the globe, you sexy..."

"Hush. Relax and let the circumnavigation happen."

"CirCUMnavi... oh fuck, oh fuck, oh baby yes fuck fuck fuck..."


  1. My son is starting a math chapter on various units of measure, foot, inch, yard, peanut, erasure, etc.

    What do we call yours? Trains, Dils, DoubleDils? It makes math much more interesting.

  2. Wolfram and Google are both reticent on the subject of the amount of space the average human couple takes up when fucking in the spoon position (which you'd have to use for this) but let's say that a Spooning is equal to roughly 18 inches. 87653142 Spoonings makes up the equator, so we'd need twice that in humans to get this right, and a lot of rafts :)


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