Friday, April 29, 2022

FFF - Assignment

He held me in his firm grip, the leather back of the sofa warm beneath me. "Ask me for it," he said softly.

I was only lightly restrained. I could have sloughed off his touch like a snake sheds skin. Naked as I was, I knew where the knives were. He would bleed out before he even knew his artery was open.

Instead I replied, just as softly, "Please, make me cum."

He slipped his hand lower and I shuddered. They warned me that the worst assignments were personal. They were right.

There weren't any avenues I explored which allowed me to get away from the essential BDSM-ness of the picture, so I went with a twist that let me enjoy myself a little. I'm just not that into BDSM stuff. Nothing wrong with this picture or the assignment at all though; the picture is great, even if it kind of backed me into a corner. I'm hoping that others will have been more inventive than I have been.

Speaking of others, you can join their number by going to Max's blog and using the assignment as a jumping-off point for inventiveness. Then just let him know you're playing. It's that simple.


  1. There's nothing wrong with completing the assignment differently than the rest of the class.

    I like it when you go dark. Nice quick take. Good job. :-)

    And, for some reason it's not letting me comment as myself. Odd - xoxo A54

  2. He was oblivious to his danger (as we often are.)
    Nice take. Sorry I backed you into a corner. :-)
    Happy FFF!

  3. Not sure what's going on with the comments, except that it looks like Blogger has updated their comment widget when it's embedded anyway.


We welcome all criticism but the non-constructive kind isn't terribly interesting to read, so if you've got nothing to say but a quality judgment please share but keep it short. That applies to the positive sort too. We love you all.