Friday, June 17, 2022

FFF - Rolled

The whores sat back, sagging tits revealed but as yet no snatches in evidence. Their hair may once have been in fashion but now all it did was remind him of the urban legend where a gal didn't wash her beehive for so long that actual bees took up residence. He'd always thought it was just a funny story. Now he hoped these two weren't the kind who didn't wash regularly.

The older one had a sardonic look on her face. Her voice could have cut glass when she said, "You want us to undress you or are you in a hurry?" He was in no hurry.

The younger one had been what had attracted his attention. Girlish in a cute way when she had her clothes on, now she just looked like more tired street meat. Still, she looked at him with a smile, not shy, just smiling. He stripped down to his underwear and she kept smiling, so he appreciated that.

They took turns sucking his cock when he asked for that. After all, what was the point in his first threesome if he didn't get to watch two ladies fighting over his manhood, right? Honestly, they seemed more into each other than him.

"Which one do you want first?" the elder's voice rasped like sandpaper over his brain. He indicated the younger one. He hoped she was a little easier to take.

She smiled again and pulled off her panties with little fanfare. Then she lay back on the bed, legs spread, waiting for him.

The injection stung a little, which was how he knew it  had happened. When he woke, he was naked, they were gone, and so was his wallet.

I don't know why this one gave me so much trouble. But trouble it gave me. I initially wanted to do something more interesting with the story, but in the end I couldn't make it work, so the whores, like my inspiration, fled and left our protagonist lonely.

The look in the one in black's eyes was really what I wanted to capture. She looks like she's saying, "Seriously? You expect us to fuck you?" But I wish I'd been able to do something more interesting than just two hookers rolling a john. Just kind of depressing and mundane this week.

Surely you can do better. Surely you can take one look at this picture and summon up a flash of inspiration which blows mine out of the water. Head over to Max's blog for the rules of the week and throw your hat into the ring. These gals deserve better than this. You can give it to them.


  1. My take was kind of sad as well. I like the picture because it evoked more than just a boner, or the thought of one. They seemed world-weary, tired, and tired of the men that gave them money. Rolling another John was just part of the day. Good take, not everything story is sunshine and cotton candy condoms. :-)

  2. Interesting take! They do look rather...experienced. You did better than I did... couldn't come up with anything! Happy FFF! -Sassy

  3. Nothing wrong with a good old-fashioned "rolling the John" story. Nice take, well written. Happy FFF!


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